
Free Nutrition Seminar for Seniors, March 26, in Arlington

RSVP-Northern Virginia and the Penrose Square Giant offering free nutrition seminar for seniors, March 26, in Arlington.

ARLINGTON, VA – RSVP-Northern Virginia is partnering with the Giant at Penrose Square in Arlington, to present a free nutrition seminar for seniors, Tuesday, March 26, 2019, at 10:30 a.m.

The store is located at 2501 9th Road South, Arlington, VA, 22204. Free parking is available.

Giant in-store registered nutritionist Min Krishnamurthy, MS, RD, will lead the 90-minute free class which will include a tour of the store that highlights healthy food choices for seniors. Krishnamurthy will share tips on eating healthy with a budget in mind and how to create a balanced healthy plate.

RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program), the region’s largest volunteer network for people 55-years-old and better, provides personalized support to those seeking social and meaningful service opportunities in and around Arlington, Fairfax County and Alexandria.

In addition to providing a personalized volunteer matching service for seniors and retirees, RSVP holds free seminars on areas of interest to its members  throughout the year.

To take part in this event, you must pre-register by contacting RSVP volunteer specialist Carly Hubicki at 703-403-5360 or email Carly at [email protected]. After the seminar, RSVP staff will lead a free information session at the store on the benefits of volunteering with RSVP.

“We are excited to again partner with Giant to bring this important information to our volunteers,” said Janet Davison, RSVP-Northern Virginia program manager. “We really appreciate Min and Giant for sharing their time and expertise.” RSVP and Giant partnered for a similar event earlier this year at the University Mall Giant in Fairfax.

RSVP offers more than 300 meaningful opportunities that include helping seniors age in place, assisting local food pantries, and teaching financial literacy. Several of RSVP’s nonprofit partners offer opportunities in the Arlington Area including Capital Caring and Meals on Wheels.

RSVP volunteers enjoy flexible schedules, free accident and liability insurance while serving, optional mileage and meal reimbursement and are invited to volunteer group service projects and social gatherings.

To learn more about RSVP, please visit RSVP-Northern Virginia is a program of Volunteer Arlington, Volunteer Fairfax and Volunteer Alexandria.

Mary Wadland

Mary Wadland is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Zebra Press, founded by her in 2010. Originally from Delray Beach, Florida, Mary is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Hollins College in Roanoke, VA and has lived and worked in the Alexandria publishing community since 1987.

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