Rainy Day Ribbon Cutting for New Glass Recycling Bin
"We are making strides in being better stewards of the planet."

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Donning umbrellas and rain gear, elected officials joined Alexandria’s Transportation & Environmental Services for a rainy-day ribbon cutting Saturday, January 25, 2020. The occasion was to officially welcome Alexandria’s newest purple glass recycling bin located at Mom’s Organic Market, 3831 Mt. Vernon Avenue in the north end of Del Ray.
But as the City pointed out, “We know folks weren’t waiting for the ribbon cutting to drop their glass at the newest location behind Mom’s. The bin was almost full for the ribbon cutting this morning!”
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“MOM’s purpose is to protect and restore the environment,” said Scott Nash, Founder and CEO of MOM’s Organic Market. “We are proud to partner with the City of Alexandria to make glass recycling available to all residents.”
Purple Bins for Glass
The Purple Glass Bin Project, approved by City Council in 2019 as part of the WasteSmart Strategic Plan, involves a regional partnership with Fairfax County to improve the recyclability of glass containers.
Councilman Mo Seilfeden hared pictures on his Facebook page, remarking, “Today we cut the ribbon on the Purple Glass recycling bins at MOM’s Organic store. We are making strides in being better stewards of the planet.”
Since the launch of the program in May 2019, the City has collected more than 230 tons of glass. Glass collected has been sent to a Fairfax County facility where it is processed and then recycled into new glass, as well as crushed into sand and gravel. These aggregate materials are being used locally for public works projects.
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“Alexandria is committed to ecological, economic, and social sustainability,” said Mayor Justin Wilson. “Our work with the new purple bin program will save the City money, ensure that our glass is recycled and foster a new public/private partnership.”
Glass dropped at these bins is used for construction projects and now a new market has been created because so much glass is being collected regionally. 20% is recycled into brand new glass products.
Where Are the Bins?
- S. Whiting St. (at the end of S. Whiting St., intersecting at Tower Ct.)
- 3224 Colvin St.
- 4251 Eisenhower Ave.
- Jones Point Park (at the end of S. Royal St.)
- MOM’s Organic Market (3831 Mt. Vernon Ave.)