Looking for Work? Attend a Virtual Job Fair July 15

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The staff at Alexandria’s Workforce Development Center knows people are out of work. They want to help.
They are promoting the Virginia Careerworks Alexandria/Arlington Virtual Job Fair on July 15. It will take place from 11 a.m-3 p.m. and is free to attend. Job seekers will be able to network with employers via chat rooms and video. This fair will also provide the opportunity to apply for jobs and participate in interviews.
Job seekers can register HERE. Employers should register by July 6 HERE.
Job Skills Webinar
The Workforce Development Center has also teamed up with AARP Virginia to offer a job skills webinar. The session will focus on networking and interviewing. The hour-long learning opportunity takes place on Thursday, June 25 at 2 p.m. The webinar is free to attend but registration is required. Sign up HERE
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