Children’s Book Penned by Alexandria Mother and Daughter Out May 14
'Naevia's Magic Glasses' series teaches disability awareness in a fun and unique way

This story, originally written in 2021, has been updated to reflect the first book’s release date of May 14, 2023.
ALEXANDRIA, VA – Eight-year-old Naevia Thompson is very creative. She enjoys telling stories and creating comic books. During breakfast with her mother Parris Elliott (who works in special education with Alexandria City Public Schools), she draws or journals. One day while at home during the pandemic, she said, “Mommy, wouldn’t it be cool if I had magic glasses?”
The little girl’s question planted the seed for “Naevia’s Magic Glasses: The Series.” The first book, “Magical Accidents Happen,” is scheduled for release next month. The plot of this series, based on real life events, is one of adventure, featuring a main character also named Naevia. One day, Naevia accidentally breaks her favorite pair of glasses. They are replaced with a magic pair that help her when she is confronted with challenges. Wearing them, she travels to meet famous women throughout American history who assist her in figuring out solutions.
Both at home and at school, the always smiling Thompson must wear glasses due to a disability called Retina of Prematurity, or ROP for short. Mayo Clinic describes the condition as “abnormal blood vessel growth in the light sensitive part of the eyes (retina) of premature infants.” Thompson was born at 30 weeks, weighing just three pounds and two ounces.
Elliott wants the book series to be a learning experience for young readers.
“We hope to inspire children, teach tolerance about children with disabilities, and bring forth prematurity awareness through March of Dimes (MoD), a nonprofit that battles complications in childbirth,” she said. “Of course, we also aim to make kids laugh!”
Elliott credits MoD for helping to improve Naevia’s health after birth. The dedicated mother is very active with the nonprofit as a mission mom and coordinator of the local sorority.
The series is published by Archway Publishing, a subsidiary of Simon & Schuster. The company assists self-publishing authors with their goals and gets copies to major retailers.
More than a year ago, Elliott and her daughter launched a Kickstarter campaign to help with self-publishing costs, including but not limited to, illustration, editing, and advertising.A portion of the fundraiser’s proceeds was donated to MoD.
“Magical Accidents Happen” is slated for release on May 14, Mother’s Day. Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Archway Publishing, the retail price is $13.99 for the softcover edition and $4.99 for the e-book.
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