Oct. 20 Public Hearing To Give Alexandria Residents the Chance To Comment on Community Matching Fund Projects

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The city’s Park and Recreation Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m at the Durant Memorial Center (1605 Cameron St.). Its purpose is to give residents the chance to comment on various projects associated with the Fiscal Year 2023 Community Matching Fund.
According to the Oct. 14 Alexandria eNews bulletin about the hearing, “[t]he Community Matching Fund is an opportunity for groups to receive 1:1 matching funds to assist the City in the implementation of beautification, conservation, program enhancements and facility improvements.”
The hearing will focus on three projects that city staff are recommending for approval: Lake Cook Pocket Park (cost: $25,000), Tucker Community Garden at Boothe Park (cost: $21,238.38), and Paddling Access at Four Mile Run (cost: $436,885).
If you are not able to attend the hearing, comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Oct. 20. Send them to ATTN: Lucresha Murphy, 1108 Jefferson Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, or email to [email protected].
City Council recently approved $100,000 for the fund. To date, the City of Alexandria has provided $211,152 to uprgrade athletic fields, renovate playgrounds, plant community gardens, and more.
After the hearing, the commission plans to hold its monthly meeting.