Tails Wagging: Bonded 12-Year-Old Senior Dogs Find Home with Couple in Alexandria

ALEXANDRIA, VA – “I’m excited to share the good news that, last night, Sophie and Joey were adopted,” said Alexandria’s Animal Welfare League’s (AWLA) Communications Director Gina Hardter, in an email to Zebra this morning.
The 12-year-old bonded canine sisters had spent their whole life with the same person but found themselves needing a new family this Christmas.
“They’ve only been home one night,” Gina said, “but we wanted to share the good news and let the community know there will be more updates in the coming days. We’ll be highlighting this on our social media tonight.”
When the dogs’ devoted senior owner found herself unable to care for Joey and Sophie any longer, her one wish was that these two dogs, who had lived together their entire lives, not be separated from each other. The staff at the AWLA immediately recognized that the only way these sweet girls would be able to join a new family was together.
“Even on the first day they came to us, you could tell they didn’t want to be apart, not even for a moment,” said Elena Carver, the AWLA’s Veterinary & Foster Care Manager. “But when they were together, they completely opened up. Suddenly this new place wasn’t as scary to them.”
“Every animal deserves a loving family, regardless of their age,” said AWLA Executive Director Stella Hanly. “Sophie and Joey have given so much love in their lives and they have so much more to give.”