Nominate a Young Woman Making a Difference for the Alexandria Celebrates Women Awards

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Alexandria’s future female leaders will be the focus of the 2023 Alexandria Celebrates Women (ACW) Awards. Now through April 15, nominate an extraordinary Alexandria woman between the ages of 14-21 who has made a difference in our community.
For a free nomination form, click HERE. The 2023 Celebrate Women Awards will be held Wednesday, May 31 at Canal Center in Alexandria.
ACW was proud to host the first Celebrate Women Awards March 29, 2021. The virtual event honored women who helped care for Alexandrians during the pandemic. The Awards show benefited the Alexandria Domestic Violence Safehousee. A replay of the show can be found on the organization’s website.
About Alexandria Celebrates Women
ACW recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of Alexandria, Virginia’s women of the past, present and future. The volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization acknowledges the distinguished history of Alexandria’s heroines while celebrating the empowerment of Alexandria’s modern woman.