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Tickets Available: Civil War Tour of Alexandria National Cemetery, September 14

Discover the city’s experience under Union Occupation, the history of national cemeteries, and the personal stories of fallen soldiers interred within this historic complex.

Rows of white military headstones with little flags
Alexandria National Cemetery is located near the Old Town section of Alexandria, VA, amid several other community cemeteries. The original cemetery consisted of approximately four acres known as Spring Garden Farm. Most of this land was acquired by the United States in the 1860s, and by November 1870 the cemetery had reached its current size of a little over five acres. Alexandria was one of the principal campsites for Union soldiers sent to defend Washington, DC, at the outbreak of the Civil War. (Photo: Gravestone Stories)

ALEXANDRIA, VA -Take the Civil War Tour of Alexandria National Cemetery with local Civil War historian Madeline Feierstein on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

Discover the city’s experience under Union Occupation, the history of national cemeteries, and the personal stories of fallen soldiers interred within this historic complex.

This tour will highlight the significance of its establishment in 1862, its connections to wartime hospitals and prisons, and the integration of United States Colored Troops. Learn about the personal lives and careers of dozens of soldiers who gave their lives during the Civil War and what brought them to Alexandria. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to delve into Alexandria’s rich Civil War history.

For tickets, click here.

Venue Information

The Wilkes Street Cemetery Complex
1475 Wilkes Street
Alexandria, VA 22314


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