Alexandria To Celebrate U.S. Constitution Week Sept, 17 – 23

ALEXANDRIA, VA – On September 17, 2019, at 9:30 a.m., Mayor Justin Wilson will sign the official Proclamation commemorating Constitution Week, September 17 – 23, 2019, in Council Chambers at City Hall. The signing marks the country’s 232nd birthday.
The U.S. Constitution provides the framework of the American government – its principles and structure – and upholds and protects the freedoms Americans hold dear. The document reflects the thinking of four Virginians: James Madison, George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.
MORE: Alexandria Schools Travel to City Hall for Constitution Proclamation
Participating in the signing are students from four Alexandria City Public Schools: T. C. Williams High School, Samuel W. Tucker and Douglas MacArthur Public Schools and Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy. Also attending are Alexandria City Public School senior staff, School Board Chairwoman Cindy Anderson, Alexandria City Council members and members of five local Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) chapters.
To commemorate the Constitution, ACPS students will sing a medley of patriotic songs and Mayor Justin Wilson will sign the Proclamation after speaking to the students about the importance of the occasion. DAR members will give the participating students pocket copies of the U. S. Constitution.
The tradition of celebrating the U. S. Constitution began in 1956 after the Daughters of the American Revolution petitioned Congress to dedicate the week of September 17-23rd to commemorate the U. S. Constitution. The aims of Constitution Week are to emphasize the citizens’ responsibilities to protect the Constitution, to educate people about the role of the U. S. Constitution and encourage the study of historical events leading to the drafting of the U. S. Constitution in September 1787.
About the D.A.R.
Known as the largest women’s patriotic organization in the world, the DAR has over 175,000 members with approximately 3,000 chapters in 50 states and 13 foreign countries. The DAR promotes patriotism through celebrations and activities for children and new immigrants. For more information about DAR programs and the Constitution Week Proclamation signing, please contact Linda Greenberg, John Alexander Chapter.