City Council Approval Budgets Census Outreach Efforts at $80,000

Alexandria, VA – Alexandria really wants to make sure that its 2020 Census is accurate! On Sept. 18, City Council approved the release of $50,000 from contingent reserves to fund the marketing and community outreach efforts of the city’s 2020 Complete Count Committee. That makes for a total of $80,000 dedicated to community engagement and outreach activities to get a complete count.
Last fiscal year, City Council approved $30,000 to kick off the work of the committee, which has worked with city staff to develop and implement an outreach strategy to maximize participation, particularly in Arlandria, Alexandria West, Buregeard, and Landmark. Up until now, the committee has been learning the intricacies of how Census data is collected. The committee will educate the public about the Census through promotions, which will include gift cards and promotional items, including cups and sports items for kids and adults.
Census Day is April 1, 2020, and all Alexandria households should have received an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. An accurate count of residents helps the city in its eligibility for federal aid, redistricting jurisdictions, gathering statistics for grant applications, and apportioning Congressional seats.
The Committee’s draft summary budget for community engagement and outreach activities is as follows:
Community Outreach – $26,604
Print Items and Communication – $18,315
Direct Mailings – $17,500
Media (newspaper and other advertising) – $12,000
Volunteer Coordination and Meetings – $5,267
Total: $79,686
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