Let Loose: Have Fun in Alexandria the Weekend Before Halloween!
Looking for something spooky to do between baseball games? Here are some suggestions

Alexandria, VA – The Nationals won the National League pennant and are playing in the World Series! Unbelievable, right? And they are in control with a 2-0 series lead! The home games this weekend are sold out. They all start a few minutes after 8 p.m., so that means fans have to wait all day long for first pitch. If you need a way to relieve your anticipation (or are too nervous to tune in), there are some Halloween-themed events around town that will help. LET’S GO NATS!
Special Thursday Event: Dogtoberfest
Thursday, Oct. 24
5–7 p.m.
Montgomery Park
901 N Royal Street
Dogtoberfest: A very cool way to get your weekend started early. It celebrates all things dogs and cats. To learn more, read this Zebra article. Attendees will be able to adopt a pet from the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation! Come out for a good time and support a great cause. The event is sponsored by the Old Town North Community Partnership.
The Rotary Club of Alexandria’s ‘Taste for Giving’ Dinner
Friday, Oct. 25
7–10 p.m.
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
600 Delaney Street
This yearly event supports funding for numerous Alexandria charities. Read the Zebra article HERE. Get tickets HERE.
Canine Halloween Cruise
Friday, Oct. 25
Launches: 6:30 and 8 p.m. (Prices vary)
City Marina (behind Torpedo Factory)
105 N Union Street
Invite your family and friends, and dress the four-legged ones in their best costumes for a cruise on the Potomac. For more details and tickets, click HERE.
Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Friday, Oct. 25 – Sunday, Oct. 27
Times: 7:30 p.m. (Nightly); 9:30 p.m. (Friday and Saturday second tour)
Ticket prices vary
221 King Street
A costumed guide in 18th century dress leads you through cemeteries around Old Town. Hear the tales of tormented spirits that haunt your surroundings. For ticket info, click HERE.
Halloween Events at Carlyle House
Friday, Oct. 25 – Saturday, Oct. 26
Times and Ticket Prices Vary
John Carlyle House Historic Park
121 N Fairfax Street
Click HERE for ‘Movie Night at Carlyle House’ info.
Click HERE for ‘Carlyle House’s Wonderland’ info.
Click HERE for ‘Carlyle House’s Nightmare’ info.
And don’t forget Trick or Treating at Carlyle House on Halloween night from 4–6 p.m. It’s free!
Waterfront Beer Garden by Port City Brewing Company
Friday, Oct. 25 – Sunday, Oct. 27
Friday: 4–7 p.m., Saturday: 12–7 p.m., and Sunday: 12–6 p.m. (Free admission, plus cost of food and beverage,)
Waterfront Park
1 King Street
Port City Brewing is having a Halloween party of their own! It is part of Portside in Old Town’s continued celebration of Waterfront Park. Check out all kinds of craft beers. There will be food from Haute Dogs and Fries. Alexandria Colonial Tours will entertain with ghost stories. Costumes are encouraged! The fun is sponsored by the King Street Corridor Initiative.
Halloween Rock Show at Port City Brewing Company
Saturday, Oct. 26
6–10 p.m. (FREE admission)
3950 Wheeler Avenue
Local bands are booked to play. Triadem, Surfin’ Satan and the Beach Demons, and Rabid Flash MoB. Stay for the costume contest!
Alexandria’s Farmers’ Market
For info on the Old Town Farmers’ Market, click HERE.
For info on the Old Town North Farmers’ Market, click HERE. (Thursdays, 4-7 p.m.)
For info on the Del Ray Farmers’ Market, click HERE.
For info on the West End Farmers’ Market, click HERE.
For info on the Four Mile Run and Artisans Farmers’ Market, click HERE.
Chadwicks Monster’s Ball
Saturday, Oct. 26
Start: 9 p.m.
203 The Strand
Enjoy dancing with a DJ playing great music, a photo booth, fantastic drink specials. There will be a costume contest so dress to win!
23rd Annual Del Ray Halloween Parade
Sunday, Oct. 27
2–4 p.m. (FREE)
Mount Vernon and Commonwealth Ave
This parade is the ultimate primer for Halloween in Alexandria. Kids are encourage to dress in their best and scariest costumes. Awards for Best Pet Costume, Best Decorated Business, Best Decorated Home, and Best Decorated Stroller will be given out following the parade.