Alexandria School Board Approves Virtual PLUS+ Learning Program for Fall

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Earlier today, August 7, the Alexandria School Board approved the Virtual PLUS+ learning model for Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) use when school begins September 8. The program, in place for the fall semester, will be sent to the Virginia Department of Education in exactly one week.
Virtual PLUS+ is designed to model the traditional school day and covers five areas: social, emotional and academic supports; technology enhancements; child care options for vulnerable families; continuation of meal distribution; and a live multilingual phone helpline. (Each link takes readers to specific topic pages with more information on each area.)
Students, unlike during the spring semester, will be graded on finished work. They will also receive simultaneous lessons in subjects, as if they were in the classroom.
Access to technology will be expanded to make sure that all ACPS students have what is needed for success before Friday, September 4. This includes laptops, tablets, and Internet access.
“These enhancements will underpin the already strong educational framework we have in place for the fall semester,” wrote Superintendent Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. in the latest ACPS Express. “Our goal is to ensure all ACPS students are provided with an engaging and equitable academic experience in these difficult times and that no barrier exists to meaningful participation. ”
Families will also receive further details about childcare support with academic options and food access prior to September 4.
The ACPS community will have access to the live multilingual helpline from August 19 to September 30. Calls will be answered by 15 staff members.
RELATED: Alexandria Schools Releases More Information About Virtual Learning Plan