Alexandria City Manager Takes Budget Proposal Before Council That Fully Funds ACPS

ALEXANDRIA, VA – This evening Alexandria’s City Manager, James Parajon, presented his proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023 to City Council. The budget is $829.9 million, a 7.7% increase over the current year. It includes $248.7 million for Alexandria City Public Schools, matching the school system’s request.
“The values and strategies in this proposed budget align with those that have been in place for several years,” Parajon said. “It includes policies and actions that underscore careful financial management; strategic investments in current and future needs; and support for innovative ways to deliver essential services to maintain the health, safety and quality of life for all Alexandrians.”
While making this proposal, he followed City Council’s guidance and took input from various city departments. As a result, it includes the following:
- Funding for initiatives that build on Alexandria’s successes and address emerging issues
- Maintaining services that help residents in need
- Maximizing the city’s affordability and accessibility through equity programs
- Meeting goals that maintain the city’s current infrastructure
- Continuing to invest in ACPS, and attracting and supporting a stong city workforce
The proposal has no mention of a tax increase to fund the budget. But City Council did request two additional proposals that include “a “one- and two-cent tax rate increases per $100 of assessed value, if needed,” according to an Alexandria eNews bulletin.
In addition, Parajon also presented Alexandria’s decade-long Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to run from next year to 2032. The $2.73 billion CIP will support ACPS with 497.8 million to build a new high school, renovate the building at 1703 N. Beauregard St., and renovate and expand multiple elementary schools.
As reported in The Zebra last weekend, Parajon will present this proposal to the public on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m.