
Help Fellow Residents: Volunteer Alexandria Recruiting Now

Photo: Volunteer Alexandria

By Marion Brunken
Alexandria, VA – Volunteer Alexandria (VolALX) is a dynamic 501(c)3 nonprofit that inspires, mobilizes, and connects people to serve the community. Since its founding in 1980, a wide variety of people from all backgrounds, businesses, and associations have been inspired by and are connected to activities that strengthen our community.
Connecting with the community has become increasingly important as people, both young and old continue to experience the isolation and anxiety felt during the pandemic. The need to connect with others is vital for our health. According to a report released by the Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, one in four high school students in Northern Virginia exhibit symptoms of recent clinical depression. And one in ten have seriously contemplated suicide in the past year.

Photo: Volunteer Alexandria

VolALX is asking people to spread kindness by registering to volunteer. Spend a few hours every week or month helping other residents. There is something for everyone! For example, connect with a child by becoming a tutor and/or mentor, teaching ESL, or reading with them, Help adults by delivering and/or serving meals, bagging groceries, and making a phone call to a homebound senior.
Being engaged in the community through volunteering is good for the body, mind, and soul. It offers meaningful opportunities that are vital for both individuals and the community. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.”
Did you know? According to the Independent Sector in collaboration with the Do Good Institute, the value of a volunteer hour is $33.49 — That is a 5.3 percent increase from the previous year, which illustrates the valuable and significant contributions volunteers make every day.

Volunteer Opportunities

Photo: Volunteer Alexandria

Middle and High School Students – Get ready to learn about issues Alexandrians are facing by attending one or more community service days through the YES (Youth Engaged in Service) Program in April.
YES engages students – grades 6 through 12 and offers a chance to learn about the issues facing their community and to do something about it. Participants will engage with non-profits, city agencies, and people from all walks of life as they earn service hours and explore career paths.
Help Launch and Promote STEM Efforts for Women — The National Center for Women’s Innovation is seeking a part-time administrative volunteer to help with launching their “Dare To Be It” campaign and traveling Dr. Gladys West exhibit.
The Prevention of Blindness Society is looking for volunteers to help plan their annual gala in April. The gala serves as a fundraiser and supports their mission of providing eyecare to others.
The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is looking for individuals to serve on its Community Engagement Committee to help recruit community teams, and Executive Leaders to recruit companies and sponsors.
Coaches Needed for Girls’ Youth Programming — Girls on the Run aims to build strong, healthy, and confident girls, in grades 3 through 8, through physical exercise and other youth development programming.
Support Weekly Playgroups for Parent Education — The Center for Alexandria’s Children is looking for volunteers to support their Learn&PlayGroups™ for infant children 0 to 5 years old. Volunteers would set up and clean up.
Support Students After-School — Help students one-on-one or with a group for one day a week on homework, reading, and life skills with Affordable Homes & Communities After-School or Teen program.

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