REMINDER: Fireworks Can Get You Arrested in Alexandria

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Alexandria Fire Department reminds those who visit, live and work in Alexandria that it is illegal to possess, sell, store or use any fireworks within the city limits. This includes sparklers and novelty items, even if they can be legally purchased in neighboring jurisdictions.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 9,100 people for firework-related injuries in one year; children younger than 15 years of age accounted for 36% of these injuries. Fireworks started an estimated 19,500 fires in 2018, including 1,900 structure fires, 500 vehicle fires and 17,100 outside and other fires. Fires from fireworks caused five deaths, 46 civilian injuries and more than $105 million in property damage.
“Around this time of year, we start to prepare for people possibly setting off fireworks on their own within the city,” said Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Russell Furr. “With the COVID-19 pandemic this past year, we know people are ready to get out and celebrate the Fourth of July. To ensure everyone can enjoy their holiday safely, the City has enforced a longtime ban on all types of fireworks. Fire marshals are granted the authority to seize any unauthorized fireworks that are found.”
Fireworks violations are Class 1 misdemeanors and may be punishable by a $2,500 fine, 12 months in jail or both. Fireworks violations may be reported 24 hours a day by calling 703.746.4444. For immediate police, fire or emergency medical assistance, call 911.
Alexandria residents can enjoy the beauty of fireworks at the City Birthday celebration scheduled for Saturday, July 10, which begins at 8:45 p.m. and ends with a Grand Finale fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. To limit crowds and prevent the spread of COVID-19, this year’s fireworks display has been repositioned to be visible from multiple vantage points along the Potomac River waterfront from Canal Center Plaza to Jones Point Park.
IN THE NEWS: Landlord and Tenant Assistance Program EXTENDED through July 2021